Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Rose Fence- Friends

I thought I would let you guys get to know me better...

My friends are my life support they help me get through everything and I could not do without them. They seem to get me through all of the tough times and make times great. They always make it so that every time we hang out I have a great new memory with them. It's hard to remember all of the great times. But there is one thing I will always remember they always challenge me.

The first up is T,
She has know me since about 6th grade. Out of all my friends I am closest to her family, who are just amazing and loving individuals. But she has gotten me through so much. I remember one time we were hanging out and I had just got some terrible news and she stayed with me while I cried it out. After that she took me home and she got dressed up in this silly outfit and put on some music and was dancing terribly. It made me laugh so much and all that night we just made music videos. Probably one of my best memories. It went from a terrible night to Amazing. I love her. 

The second person has to be B,
This girl what can I say about her. She loves her juice boxes! But shes also very sweet and funny. More funny than anything. She can get along with just about anyone and loves to speak her opinion. I first met her when I joined the Cross Country team at my high school my junior year. I think it was my second day on the team, I was a late joiner. Anyway it was out free day and I was running I decided to walk and she started walking with me. We talked for an hour and a half straight! And really it was about nothing. We have 2 great memories from that day: the kid that basically assaulted us over his cat, and when we asked this random girl what time it was and yelled we have to go, her facial expression- PRICELESS. Thats why me and this girl get along so well is because we talk the same and have the same values. I love her. 

The next person on this list is JB,
This nerd right here. Well I use to like him, don know what I was thinking. JK. I do he's a sweet, caring, funny person with all his quirks. Which of coarse I have to tell him about all the time. I also met him during Cross Country even though I didn't really notice him at first. He can make you laugh when you least expect it and is always getting lost. I always make the joke that I'm going to buy him a GPS to navigate his way around. One of these days I will follow through on that so my poor JB doesn't get lost when he's runiing Cross Country. I love him. 

The next person is my God- Like friend PB,

I love him. He will listen to almost anything you say but give you a look like 'did you really just say that?' But really thats just his face, it makes me giggle. He's actually one of the craziest and most confusing people you will ever meet. But you have to love that about him. I still remember his reaction to seeing my locker, 'It looks like Sharpe Evens from High School Musical.' Total shocked face. He also runs cross country. I call him my God- Like friend because he is god like I mean he's absolutely gorgeous, he could be a model  though he chooses not to listen to me. I don't like that. But still I love him. 
Just for how beautiful he is im going to add another picture just for his enjoyment. lol.

The next is my little O, 

This girl is so funny. She is a germaphobe. She does not like anything germy and she carries a whole BIG bottle of hand sanitizer. I SWEAR! But still I can get her to get into a mud fight which is what this picture is of (our second mud fight-EPIC!).But she is still so funny and you can talk about almost anything with her and she won't judge because that's how sweet she is. She will deal with any one of your moods like shes a professional. She also runs cross country and is pretty fast. I love her!

Basically you can call almost everyone on the Cross Country team my best friend. Like my second family. 

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